Online Group Home Gathering
SFNFCI is excited to host a virtual Group Home Gathering on Aug. 10-14, 2020. This event was originally scheduled for March 24-25 but due to COVID-19 it was postponed. SFNFCI staff are busy planning this online event that will bring together youth group home professionals from 1:00-3:30pm Monday Aug. 10 to Friday Aug. 14, 2020.
We are continuing with the theme: Trauma Informed Care in a Residential Setting & Sask. Group Home Promising Practices. Two local professionals will present trauma informed tools and guided exercises to work with children and youth in a residential setting. The event will also feature Sask. group home staff presenting on a program that has been successful with children and youth in their communities.
Group Rate Pricing is available:
1 Registrant = $125
2-5 Registrants = $500
6-10 Registrants = $750
11+ Registrants = $1000
Registered participants will need access to a computer or phone and internet or wifi connections to view the gathering.
For more information contact Shelley Thomas-Prokop at 306-373-2874 ext.227 or at shelley@sfnfci.ca
For registration information contact Lorrie Murphy at 306-250-6277 or lorrie@sfnfci.ca
Please see Calander of Events to Register
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