Grief and Loss Webinar, March 17 2021
On March 17, 2021 SFNFCI hosted a one-hour webinar on Grief and Loss, facilitated by Chalaine Senger from Canada Mental Health Association (CMHA). There were 39 learners who attended the webinar. Participants attending were from all of SFNFCI’s groups and networks, as it was opened to all the groups we serve.
Grief and Loss is an important topic to talk about and we have been having to handle it in a different way over the past year because of the effects of the pandemic. In this one-hour session participants learned about the impact of stress, the role of frontline workers, boundaries and limitations, building resilience, grief and depression, experiences with grief, types of grief, effects of trauma, and how to provide support. Attendees commented that they would like more webinars like this one.
For more information on Prevention Trainings please contact:
Program Consultant David Bird, david@sfnfci.ca, or
Program Coordinator Lacey Kaysaywaysemat, lacey@sfnfci.ca
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