
Professional Boundaries & Confidentiality

On February 9-10, 2022, SFNFCI hosted Professional Boundaries & Confidentiality training at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon, SK.  SFNFCI was very excited that we were able to meet in person while adhering to SHA guidelines keeping everyone’s safety and health in mind. There were 26 learners who participated and completed the training and received certificates.  Elder Wallace Awasis joined us and was available to support learners over the two days. Elder Wallace began each day with a prayer and song to start the day in a good way.

Participants attended from various organizations such as Carry the Kettle Prevention Services, Cote First Nation, Hatchet Lake First Nation, Meadow Lake Tribal Council, One Arrow First Nation, Waterhen Lake First Nation, and Wahkotowin Child and Family Services. 

The training was facilitated by Charlotte Ross. Charlotte Ross is a Cree language instructor and Consultant with years of experience working with Saskatchewan First Nations, Tribal Councils, non-profit corporations, and post-secondary institutions. Charlotte is currently working on her PHD in Indigenous Language Revitalization at the University of Victoria.

This two-day course was designed to engage participants to explore ethics, values, and boundaries within their personal and professional lives. Learners looked at how ethics, values, and boundaries impact the clients they work with, as well as explored how to handle situations where ethics, values, and boundaries may come into conflict. Learners learned to demonstrate knowledge and skills in handling confidentiality issues, boundary conflicts, and dual/multiple relationships that can arise, including their on-line presence and social media.

Feedback from participants:

“I will be open minded and not be afraid, change is always good…”

“The teachings/stories from the elder and how it’s connected to everyday life”

“I will reflect on boundarie and ethics in my future work and home”

“I really enjoyed the discussion on ethics. It really made me think about my own and the ethics of the workplace and making sure I have a clear understanding of them”


For more information on training at SFNFCI please contact:

Program Consultant: Juanita Wolfe, juanita@sfnfci.ca



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