On September 10th and 11th, the Saskatchewan First Nations Family and Community Institute (SFNFCI) hosted its Quarter 2 On-Reserve Income Assistance Network Meeting at Prairieland Park. Elder Wally Awasis opened the two-day meeting with a prayer and song.
Attendees included Income Assistance/Social Assistance Administrators, Case Management personnel, Pre-Employment Skills Coordinators, SFNFCI staff, and representatives from FSIN and ISC. Day 1 saw 85 in-person attendees, while Day 2 had 53 in-person attendees.
In Kayla Rosteski-Merasty’s absence, Jason Chickosis, Director of Learning Operations, served as host for the Quarterly Meeting. The event began with a welcome, followed by housekeeping notes, an agenda overview, staff introductions, a review of Q1 notes, and the Q1 survey results. Jason also reviewed the Financial Toolkit available on the Government of Canada’s website.
Following this, Karen Pelletier provided a brief update on behalf of FSIN. She informed the group about an upcoming meeting with the Ministry of Social Services, scheduled for after the FSIN election, and committed to sharing the date once it is confirmed. After Karen's update, Jason informed the group about upcoming training sessions for the IA Working Group:
Upcoming Training at SFNFCI:
Professional Boundaries and Confidentiality – October 22nd-23rd, 2024
Communication Skills – November 6th-7th, 2024
Next, Jason Yew reviewed policy updates implemented in July. He discussed rate increases and a significant shift from basic to special categories. The adult allowance was adjusted to $355 as of July. Jason briefly mentioned the EI Cross-check and a pilot program being tested by Service Canada for Administrators. He also discussed transition planning for inmates being released from prison and becoming homeless, emphasizing the need for release planning, particularly for Indigenous individuals, with a pilot program aimed at supporting this transition. However, there has been limited outreach from transitional staff to provide these services. Jason stressed the importance of timely reporting to ensure accurate numbers and budget allocations.
In the afternoon of Day 1, representatives from SaskPower’s Indigenous Customer Care team shared information about Smart Meter Deployment and their goals. More details can be found at www.saskpower.com. This concluded the first day of the meeting.
On Day 2, the group participated in a roundtable discussion, during which attendees provided brief updates on their work in their communities. The meeting concluded with a presentation titled Harm Reduction is Love by Leegay Jagoe from Indigenous Services Canada.
In Attendance: Ahtahkakoop, Battleford Agency Tribal Chiefs, Beardy’s and Okemasis, Big River, Buffalo River, Cote, Cowessess, English River, Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, Fond Du Lac, Indigenous Services Canada, James Smith, Keeseekoose, Kinistin, Little Pine, Little Red, Makwa Sahgaiehcan, Mistiwasis Nehiyawak, Montreal Lake, Moosomin, Mosquito, Muskeg Lake, Muskoday, Muskowekwan, Nekaneet, Ochapowace, Onion Lake, Pasqua, Peter Ballentyne, Pheasant Rump, Red Earth, Red Pheasant, Saskatoon Tribal Council, Shoal Lake, Standing Buffalo, Star Blanket, Sturgeon Lake, Thunderchild, Wahpeton, Witchekan Lake, Yellowquill, and Zagime.
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