
Onion Lake IA Meets Reform Team

March 28-29, 2019

The engagement team was in Onion Lake First Nation for 2 days conducting focus groups and client interviews in regards to the Income Assistance Program.

The team was greeted by the wonderful Glenda….

On the first day, the team conducted 2 IA Client Focus Groups, the first group had a total of 8 participants and the second group had 6 participants. The groups discussed the supports and resources that are offered in their large community, as well as personal barriers they face living on IA.

The team also completed 3 interviews to discuss the cost of living on the First Nations, over-coming personal barriers, transitioning from IA to employment and hope for the future.

On the second day, the group continued with another Focus group containing 6 more participants followed by a final interview for the community.

Onion Lake certainly is a large community, there are so many different supports and programs either coming to or already in the community. Members are very well aware of the barriers they have in transition. Thank you to Glenda and her team for the accommodations and hospitality. Keep up the great work ladies! Until we meet again.

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