
Mental Health First Aid for SFNFCI

Saskatchewan First Nation Family and Community Institute Inc. is an organization that is guided by First Nation values of respect, love, bravery, wisdom, humility, honesty and truth with the mission of building capacity. Here at SFNFCI professional development is something that is valued and believed to be important for both staff and those that we serve. Recently the employees of SFNFCI received training in Mental Health First Aid. This training from Mental Health Canada, provided staff with information and tools to assist and aid those that are experiencing mental health distress.

SFNFCI management felt it was an appropriate avenue to ensure our employees are equipped with the capacity of this knowledge for each other. MHFA is a part of the prevention and group home curriculum that SFNFCI offers. After many years of providing access to this training and the recent pandemic where a lot of people are experiencing mental health crisis. It was appropriate timing for SFNFCI staff to partake in the training in January and February 2021.

The 2-day, 6 hours online course on Mental Health First Aid provides knowledge and tools to support those facing a mental health crisis. What you learn in Mental Health First Aid fits into everyday life and enriches it. It helps you in the roles you already play in people’s lives: to be a better, more prepared parent, friend, colleague, teacher. Whatever role (personal and professional) you play in someone else’s life, Mental Health First Aid will help you do a better job of helping someone in a time of need. We encourage those to take this beneficial training!


ALGEE described below is the action plan that is taught and practiced throughout MHFA training:










The following are SFNFCI staff take ways from MHFA training:

“I had taken the training previously and did a refresher course. The content was appropriate and will help me to conversate with those that may be feeling down. I feel I have the mental capacity to do this now that I received this training!”


“I learnt that mental health affects everyone in and out of the workplace and MHFA is an excellent tool to have” -Juanita

“Recognizing and being aware of your conversation with someone who is having a mental health problem. How impactful just listening really is.”

“By being aware of behaviors and attitudes around mental health and normalizing the conversations around it. More importantly, being empathetic and providing comfort and support to a colleague or friend, or family in crisis initially or throughout as needed. Finally, being aware of the language that I use when providing support such as using the right pronouns for the person, not using condemning or invalidating words, and offering a safe space to talk. These are all the skills that will be beneficial in both the work environment and at home and our role as a mental health first aider will assist us to do.”

“I learned that mental health affects everyone in and out of the workplace and MHFA is an excellent tool to have.”


Blog written by Program Consultant Kristin and SDM Consultant Rachel Andal.


If you or your agency is interested in MHFA training and/ or have any questions about SFNFCI curriculum/training, please contact SFNFCI Program Consultants:

Kristin Friday: 306-717-1165; kristin@sfnfci.ca and/or

David Bird: 306-380-2473; david@sfnfci.ca



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