The Income Assistance Administrators Group has been in existence since 2019. The purpose is to gather Income Assistance delegates and workers on a quarterly basis to share common information regarding the on-reserve IA program, best practices, professional development, and to gain clarity in changes and requirements made to both federal and provincial IA Programs. The Saskatchewan Income Assistance Administrators Regional Working Group is funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).
On Sept 22 and 23, 2021 SFNFCI hosted the second quarter Income Assistance Regional Quarterly Meeting. The meeting was held at the Travelodge in Saskatoon and an online option was provided for those that could not attend in person. SFNFCI utilized the Zoom meeting platform for online attendees. It was the first meeting of the 2021-22 fiscal year to combine both in-person and online participants. It is great to know that technology can be used to assist in gathering us together.
The meeting was very well attended both days. There were 65 participants on day one, September 22. This included IA workers, ISC representatives, MSS representatives, SaskPower working group, SFNFCI staff, and Elder Ernestine Starr. On Day two Sept 23, there were 39 participants both in-person and online.
Day one began with introductions and review of the agenda and previous meeting notes and then moved into the SaskPower working group presentation, which was led by Nadine Goldstone. After the presentation plenty of lively discussion was had with SaskPower working group on how to constructively handle utility bills in a manner that meets clients needs. IA workers sought clarification about unpaid utility bills, consent forms, taxes, clients sharing households, and landlord agreements.
After the SaskPower session, Jason Yew (ISC) provided updates and followed up with a Q&A session on upcoming changes to IA programming with most of the discussion focused on the transition to the SIS model on April 1, 2022. A variety of questions and concerns about the transition were brought forward. Concerns and questions were on software and reporting, client self-reliance issues, and had leadership (chiefs and councils) been notified. Many communities requested training sessions and workshops be held to help ease the transition.
Next on the agenda were Tischa Mason, SFNFC Executive Director and Shelley Thomas-Prokop, Director of Program. They made a presentation on an Income Assistance proposal on developing a training program that is being developed by SFNFCI to assist building capacity within the IA program. From the presentation a working group committee of IA workers was identified.
Seven project activity areas have been identified in the proposal to support income assistance.
a) Review & Restructure Income Assistance Organizational Design based on policies, procedures, and standards of practice
b) Review and standardize Saskatchewan Income Assistance Job Descriptions & Competencies
c) Build Communication Capacity Infrastructure
d) Review the Case Management Systems Income Assistance Workers are using in SK
e) Build upon and create a Made in Saskatchewan Pre-Employment Navigation Pathway
f) Create a catalogue of training & development curriculum for Income Assistance workers within a Learning & Development Framework
g) Income Assistance Program and Employee Performance Management
After the IA proposal presentation, the group engaged in further discussion on the SIS model with Jason Yew, and Julene Restall MSS, Director of the Client Service Center. She spoke about how the transition was handled within the provincial income assistance program. IA administrators expressed many of the same comments and concerns that they had expressed with Jason Yew. This discussion brought an end to day one.
Day two of the meeting, September 23, began with Kelly Quewezance ISC Social Development Program Specialist (Assisted Living) and Tyler Hanofski Manager, MSS Community Services - Disability Programs having a Q&A session with attendees on assisted living.
After the Q&A session with Kelly Quewezance, Kyle Prettyshield shared a brief update on the work FSIN is doing on the safety social net. The group was introduced to the newest member of FSIN Social Development team, Karen Pelletier, Director of Child Welfare and Social Development.
The meeting then turned to the roundtable updates. The roundtable provides each IA representative the opportunity to speak about the work they are doing in the IA program and representatives heard updates on activities taking place within communities. In the roundtable we heard that some communities are having Covid outbreaks, we also heard about new hires, training programs that are taking place, and the sharing of innovative ways to provide monthly payments and training.
We concluded day two with a professional development session, Charlotte Ross led a two-hour session on Self Care. As caregivers, we know how to take care of others. Learning to take care of ourselves can sometimes be a challenge. Using a wholistic model, participants learned about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self-care that will enrich everyone's lives including loved ones and colleagues.
Comments from participants.
“Totally enjoyed participating and listening to IA workers in our face-to-face meeting.” Lorraine Cameron – Beardy’s
“I feel that being here in attendance has been very informative. Having to communicate with other IA workers is an advantage to learn from one another.” Glenda Littlewolfe – Onion Lake
Next Meeting dates:
Quarter 3 meeting: Dec. 7 & 8, 2021
Quarter 4 meeting: Feb. 23 & 24, 2022
If you are an on-reserve Income Assistance worker and would like to attend these meetings, please contact Program Consultant David Bird at david@sfnfci.ca or Program Coordinator Misty Kay, misty@sfnfci.ca
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