
IAP Wraps up in Piapot First Nation

Piapot First Nation another success

On April 11, 2019, the engagement team was honored to be in Piapot First Nation. The team was very well received by Donna Mantee, the Income Assistance Worker.

The team was successful in conducting a mixed Focus Group of Clients as well as a Leadership Interview. The group ranged from new and younger clients to clients that have more experience with assistance. The group was also honored to have a few elders sit in on the group and add input and share stories with all the participants. There were a total of 15 participants and discussions were quickly enriched.

Topics revolved around motivation and steps to success, addressing barriers and hopes for brighter futures. You could feel the support of the community as the discussions progressed. It was a very wonderful experience.

After the awesome lunch that was provided the group parted ways and the team prepared for the leadership interview. Great insight was provided and information exchanged regarding Income Assistance. Overall, the community visit was deemed successful. 

Thank you Donna Mantee for arranging our visit and welcoming us into the community, it was a great way to wrap up our engagement sessions! Until our paths meet again! 

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