On September 27, 2021 SFNFCI hosted the First Nations Women’s Shelter quarterly meeting. The meeting was held virtually and SFNFCI utilized the Zoom platform to host the meeting. We are very grateful that Elder Ernestine Starr opened and closed our meeting in prayer.
There were 8 participants online with representatives from YTC Safe Haven, Piwapan, Wakoosis, ISC and SFNFCI staff as well.
Each shelter representative had the opportunity to speak about the great work they are doing in their shelters and communities during the roundtable updates. The roundtable provided lots of information and sharing of innovative ways that shelters are dealing with covid in their respective shelters and the communities they serve.
Next Meeting dates: December 6, 2021 from 1pm to 4 pm.
Meetings will continue to be held virtually at this time. When covid numbers decline, we can look at the meeting schedule and possibly hold a meeting in-person in the future. SFNFCI will continue to send out the draft agenda 2 weeks before the meeting and share communication on the details for each meeting.
SFNFCI would like to thank all First Nations Women Shelter Network participants and ISC that joined the virtual meeting. It remains a great way to keep in touch and informed of each shelter’s events, updates, and shared views during this challenging time of Covid.
If you would like more information, please contact Ashley Mazurkewich at ashleym@sfnfci.ca or Juanita Wolfe at juanita@sfnfci.ca
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