
FN Group Home Network Meeting – September 28, 2021

With excitement, SFNFCI hosted the First Nations Group Home Network quarterly meeting on September 28, 2021. The meeting was held with a blended approach and some participants joined in person and others joined virtually using Zoom. We are very grateful that Elder Ernestine Starr opened and closed our meeting in prayer. 

There were 11 participants that participated in person with representatives from Sakastew, Touchwood CFS, QBOW, Eagles Nest, PAGC, CUMFI, and SFNFCI staff. There were 8 participants that joined virtually with representatives from Onion Lake, Ranch Ehrlo, STC, MSS and SFNFCI staff.

During the roundtable updates, each group home representative had the opportunity to speak about the great work they are doing in their group homes and in the communities that they serve. Covid-19 was a prevalent topic during the roundtable updates and each group home provided information and shared innovative ways that they are dealing with covid in their respective group homes. All homes provided vaccination statistics on their staff and how they deal with staff that chose not to get the vaccination. Some First Nation’s chief and councils have made it mandatory to have the vaccination to work in their respective entities, including the group homes. Some group homes are using rapid testing for their staff who are not fully vaccinated, and some are using pay incentives to keep staff engaged and willing to isolate if required. Covid protocols and sanitization have remained priorities at all homes.

At update was provided on the Group Home Manager’s Manual and the Customary Standards of Care. SFNFCI staff provided updates on current curriculum updates, training updates and the FASD series. Maxine Robertson, the new Business Analyst for SFNFCI provided a brief overview of her role at SFNFCI and upcoming activities that she will be involved in.

Next Meeting dates: December 7, 2021 from 9 am to 4 pm

The next group home network meeting will be held in person, unless SHA guidelines change, and we are unable to do so. SFNFCI will continue to send out the draft agenda 2 weeks before the meeting and share communication on the details for each meeting.  

SFNFCI would like to thank all First Nations Group Home Network participants, MSS and staff that joined the meeting in-person and virtually. It remains a great way to keep in touch and informed of each group home’s events, updates, and shared views during this challenging time of Covid.