Covid Fatigue Webinar March 4, 2021
On March 4, 2021 SFNFCI hosted a one-hour webinar on Covid Fatigue, facilitated by Chalaine Senger from Canada Mental Health Association (CMHA). There were over 30 learners who attended the webinar. Participants attended from all of SFNFCI’s groups and networks, as it was opened to all the groups we serve.
We have been living with the effects of the pandemic on our lives for over one year and this one-hour session provided a look at some of things that have been happening to us and our mental health. Participants learned about emotional and physical reactions, fatigue vs depression, finding the right connection to maintain mental health and keeping social communication strong. Learners also learned tips to reduce fatigue and healthy strategies. Attendees commented that the webinars we are hosting were good and were pleased with how we presented them.
Tips to reduce fatigue:
1. Be physically active.
2. Talk to others.
3. Take beaks from talking about or reading about or hearing about Covid.
4. Practice mindfulness.
5. Don’t try to control the uncontrollable.
6. Practice good relaxation and sleep habits
7. Understand what works best for you.
For more information on Prevention Trainings please contact:
Program Consultant David Bird, david@sfnfci.ca, or
Program Coordinator Lacey Kaysaywaysemat, lacey@sfnfci.ca
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