• 05

    Invisible Disabilities – Session One ADD & ADHD

      Register Now! Please click the link below to register for the Invisible Disability Learning Series! https://forms.office.com/r/UmX2SKRWdC   Invisible Disabilities – ADD & ADHD  Attention Deficit Disorder & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Making the Invisible Visible : Did yo...

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  • 23

    Visual Helping Strategies for Children and Youth

    SFNFCI hosted Creating Social Stories that Work! on March 10, 2022 at Prairieland Park.  Dr. Cassandra Philips provided a 1-day customized training for children and youth workers to help learn more about using visuals to enhance communication abilities.  13 attendees from 5 group homes across Sas...

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  • 23

    Successful PECS Training Feb. 8-9, 2022

    SFNFCI offered the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) on Feb. 8-9, 2022 at the Saskatoon Inn.  We had 41 participants start and finish the 2-day virtual intensive training.  Nine organizations serving our children across Saskatchewan came together to learn in small groups and large group...

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  • 13

    ASD knowledge sharing Series

    SFNFCI kick-started our seven-part Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) knowledge sharing series on October 27th, 2021. After the successful completion of the seven-week FASD learning series in May-June 2021, we asked the participants what other disabilities they would like to have a similar series on, an...

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  • 14

    ASD knowledge sharing Series! Save the dates

        After our successful FASD learning series in May-June 2021, SFNFCI is excited to announce yet another knowledge-sharing series for our partners. This seven-part series will focus on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and is part of our Disabilities Research Project 2021-22 funded by ISC. Ple...

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  • 10

    FASD Learning Series Complete and Success

    SFNFCI has completed the seven-part FASD virtual learning series organized as part of the action items of the 2020-21 disability research project. The series started on May 12th and was held every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm until June 23rd. The series brought together a range of expertise in...

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  • 28

    FASD Learning Series, Session 6: Managing Challenging Behavior

    On June 16th, 2021, SFNFCI hosted the sixth session of our seven-part FASD virtual learning series. The series is part of the action items of this year’s disability research project funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). Dr. Cassandra Phillips, from Behavior Specialists Saskatoon, was the pre...

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  • 28

    FASD Learning Series, Session 5: Navigating Supports

    On June 9th, 2021, SFNFCI hosted the fifth session of our seven-part FASD virtual learning series. The series is part of the action items of this year’s disability research project funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). For speakers, we had Michelle Korbo, the Director of Jordan’s Principle...

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  • 10

    Finding purpose: Strategies to living a successful life with FASD

    Finding purpose: Strategies to living a successful life with FASD “Creator has given me a gift and this gift is not mine to keep, this gift that Creator’s given me is one for me to share” - Myles Himmelreich Myles Himmelreich was our speaker for the fourth session of our 7-part FASD learning...

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  • 01

    FASD Learning Series, Session 3: FASD and secondary challenges completed!

    FASD Learning Series, Session 3: FASD and secondary challenges On May 26th, 2021, SFNFCI hosted the third session of the FASD virtual learning series. The series is part of the action items of this year’s disability research project funded by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC). Shana Mohr, Robyn Pi...

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