• 06

    Ahtahkakoop CFS starts SDM Training

    October 27 - 30 Ahtahkakoop Child and Family Services came together for SDM (Structured Decision Making) training at Wanuskewin Heritage Park.  The group was made up of eight wonderful staff, including one new staff member from Kanaweyimik Child and Family Services. Leeanne Kayseas from the First ...

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  • 06

    The SDM Lens... Building a Working Group

    What can Structured Decision Making (SDM) do for your agency?  How can the Institute support you with implementing SDM?  What do superviors need for support?  These were questions that the SDM Supervisors Working Group discussed at the first meeting held on September 17 in Saskatoon.  There was ...

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  • 05

    National Children's Day November 20

    Canada's National "Child Day" is held every year on November 20th, as enacted in Bill C-371, by the Parliament of Canada in 1993. The day celebrates the United Nations adoption of two landmark documents concerned with the human rights of all children and youth:  The United Nations Declaration on ...

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  • 05

    Research Advisory Committee PLENARY at the PCWC

    Oct. 2, 2014 TCU Place Saskatoon The SFNFCI Research Advisory Committee held a plenary at the Prairie Child Welfare Consortium Symposium. The attendees were child welfare practitioners, academics and service providers from the three prairie provinces.   The committee was established in January 2...

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