Youth “It’s My Life” App Training:

The “It’s My Life” app is a guide for youth who are transitioning from rural to urban centers, or out of care. The app can assist youth in planning their transition.

This free training provides an orientation to the “It’s My Life” app. Every training is followed with a free pizza lunch, and a tablet giveaway.

For more Information on this free training click ~Youth App Training~.

Agency Worker “It’s My Life” App Training

The “It’s My Life” app is a guide for First Nation youth who are transitioning into independence. The app can assist workers/teachers in having conversations with youth who are planning their transition.

The first part of this training provides basic information on safety and security of using a mobile device. The second part of the training provides an orientation to the “It’s My Life” app.

For more Information on this free training click ~Agency Worker APP Training~.


If you would like to order the binder resource you can contact:

Ashley Mazurkewich, Learning Operations Consultant

Email: ~ Phone: 306-373-2874

Loretta Robillard, Learning Operations Coordinator

Email: - Phone: 306-373-2874

For access to our free resources click ~Youth Resources Downloads~