Saskatchewan First Nations Income Assistance continues the journey of reform. SFNFCI is excited to be part of the reform that is seeking new ideas and new structures: carrying on with a First Nations-led engagement approach. SFNFCI worked with Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN), Indigenous Service Canada (ISC) and Assembly of First Nations (AFN) on the project; FSIN is focusing on First Nations Chiefs and elected leaders and SFNFCI is focusing on IA On-reserve Industry staff. The intention of this document is to provide FSIN information to expand and strengthen the feedback from IA Industry staff on the options provided by AFN & ISC on IA Reform.

SFNFCI hosted a Special Income Assistance Industry Staff meeting on April 26-27, and April 29.  The Executive Summary of the report is provided for your viewing below. 

Please click image to review full report