
"Be the leading, innovative, sustainable, holistic center of research and professional learning to organizations serving children, youth and families."

Mission Statement:

"Our mission is to build capacity within organizations serving children, youth and families based on First Nation values."

SFNFCI Values are based on First Nations Values:

Respect - Having high expectations of staff and the Board regarding their commitment to the vision, mission, value and guiding principles of SFNFCI

Love - Demonstrating our belief (as professional services) that all organizations can and will succeed through their commitment to their communities

Bravery - Committing to create an innovative and sustainable approach to development and delivery of services

Wisdom - Creating internal capacity through ongoing professional development

Humility - Acknowledging that we need to learn more about how to better support Child and Family Services organizations in their service

Honesty - Accepting that we have a requirement to be transparent and accountable to our members, communities, funders, stakeholders and each other

Truth - Developing measurable outcomes for organizational success and using them as key indicators of how we are fulfilling our vision and mission

How SFNFCI Came to Be:


The following link provides an overview of SFNFCI and it's growth from 2007 to 2017.  To read more click ~Overview of SFNFCI and Strategic Activities Update 2017~

SFNFCI has updated its business model and has formalized its program and service offerings.  For more information on the program offerings please click the link below:

SFNFCI Business Model & Strategic Program Offerings

Visit the calendar of events for more detailed information at the Training and Events tab in the main menu above.

To see a summary of the 2016-17 activities or previous year's activities please see our annual reports.