

*Registration FULL*Introduction to Prevention in Child Welfare

Location: SFNFCI Classroom 211-2553 Grasswood Road East, Saskatoon, SK

Date: Feb.19th, 2025

Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Cost: $160/person

Facilitator: Charlotte Ross

This one-day training is designed to give the new learner an overall orientation to the work of Prevention Workers. Participants will review and discuss the role of prevention practice in support of building strong families. Topics of discussion will include: the history of First Nations child welfare, and truth and reconciliation; the development of the prevention field; prevention policy and standards; child abuse protocol; principles and ethics that inform the practice; and program expectations.


Key Competencies


This module is designed to equip you:

  • To develop a basic understanding of the history of the child welfare system in Saskatchewan by reviewing historical events that shaped First Nations child welfare
  • To understand the policy, standards, and protocols that guide prevention work
  • To understand the role of the prevention worker in building strong families
  • To understand the various perspectives that inform prevention practice
  • To review future program expectations



  • Deadline for registration is February 7th, 2025
  • 100% attendance is required to receive course certification
  • SFNFCI provides course materials, lunch and snacks!


For more information please contact:

Loretta Robillard ~ Ph: (306) 373-2874; email:




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