March 13, 2020
SFNFCI Communique regarding COVID-19
Saskatchewan First Nations Family and Community Institute Inc. (SFNFCI) continues to follow our vision, mission and values with our intention to respond to the COVID-19 in relation to those we serve.
In the wake of COVID-19 recommendations by Saskatchewan Health Authority regarding gatherings, SFNFCI is planning to postpone or cancel in-person meetings and events through March 31.
Our goal is to immediately implement precautionary measures in the best interests of protecting our most vulnerable community members from COVID-19 and reduce the risk of the virus spreading.
SFNFCI will continue to monitor the Government of Canada Corona virus disease awareness and resources website and the Saskatchewan Health Authority recommended strategies and procedures. We will continually revisit the postponement of the events.
All training fees will be refundable for events that have been cancelled or postponed due to COVID-19.
SFNFCI has implemented additional pre-cautionary measures to minimize the spread of the virus. During the Covid-19 Pandemic the following safe practices are in place in this office:
· Everyone is asked to model social distancing. This means maintaining interpersonal space of at least one meter, no handshakes, and physical touch.
· SFNFCI will assess necessary staff travel on an ongoing basis.
· Everyone is asked to follow safe hand cough hygiene. This means when sneezing or coughing please use a tissue and then immediately dispose safely. In the absence of a tissue please cough into your elbow.
· This building is practicing sanitizing protocols which means wiping down all multi-touch surfaces frequently, tissues and hand sanitizer are available for your use.
For more information please feel free to contact Executive Director, Tischa Mason at 306-373-2874 ext.222 or Tischa@sfnfci.ca
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