On September 13th and 14th 2023, SFNFCI hosted the 2nd Quarterly Network Meeting at Prairieland Park. Elder support was provided by Wally Awasis and Cecile Smith. There was a total of 87 in-person and 10 online participants on the first day. On the second day we had 63 in-person, and 8 online participants join us. The meeting attendees consisted of Income Assistance/Social Assistance Administrators, Case Management, Pre-Employment Skills Coordinators, ISC Representatives, FSIN Representatives, and SFNFCI Staff.
First on the agenda we had two presentations on the current reform project. The first presentation was an update on policy section by Maxine Robertson (SFNFCI) and Vijay Nair (SFNFCI). The second presentation was delivered by Leslie Lalond (SFNFCI) who oversees the Human Resource section of the reform project. Leslie let the group know that the literature review is now complete, and we looked at the competency dictionary.
Kelly Quewezance (ISC) informed the group about rate increases related to the Assisted Living Program. The group then had a presentation of the It’s My Life App which was developed and designed to be used by youth and those working with youth in their transition to adulthood. It has been a helpful resource for many young adults. There was a presentation delivered by Irene Demyen (ISC), on Family Violence Prevention. She let us know that there is a national call for proposals.
Jason Yew (ISC) spoke about the IAFNYES program, letters were sent out regarding funding provided by headquarters. They had 6.7 million dollars to distribute, applications exceeded the funding amount. Funding was determined by a few factors, such as percentage of IA budget. Regarding IA Reform from ISC headquarters there hasn’t been a lot of information. There are no details to report as to what the model is going to look like. We then wrapped up our first day of the quarterly meeting.
On the second day we began our round table updates. We heard from 52 representatives about what is happening in their community. In the afternoon we had a professional development session called Recovering From Burnout delivered by Oaks Mental Health. The group learned about topics such as what is burnout, signs and symptoms of burnout, the role of stress, and how stress leads to burnout. We also spoke about how to recover from burnout. Our meeting ended with a prayer from our elder Cecile Smith.
Quarterly Meetings
December 6-7, 2023
March 7-8, 2024
Professional Development Training
November 7-8, 2023 – Professional Boundaries and Confidentiality
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